Neurological Screening

for Therapists

Tingling, numbness, loss of strength, and many other sensory and motor issues revolve around the neuro-mechanical interface. Master these simple neurological and orthopedic screening tests to help you determine when a condition may warrant referral to a physician and to know when it is safe to apply massage or microcurrent protocols following an injury or in the presence of mysterious symptoms.providing. Finally, explain why you’re uniquely positioned to provide this solution.

Course curriculum

Enrollment duration: 180 days

  • 1


    • The Cervical Nerve Roots

    • Neuro Sensory Intake form

    • The Lumbar Spine

    • The Neurological Evaluation


Shannon is amazing

by James

Logically presented in an orderly fashion with adequate reinforcements … the demonstration in third portion reinforces information in first two sections ..